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June 01, 2009


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OK, this is the best one yet I think! I've never seen you wear the leopard? And, i have to say that office is divine....namaste

Sara Sterling

I would love to see your handbags! You must have a nicely organized collection.

Sara Sterling

I just discovered that I could click on your photos for a larger view...love the larger views!


Just curious... how many matching animal jackets to you have in your closet?


I know! I guess I'm an animal print type girl.

Marybeth La Motte

Love your blog! I am a new devotee. Cheers, Marybeth

Maryam in Marrakech

Hello there. I know what it is like to live with financial stress (in the pursuit of ones dreams). It's definitely not easy but the dreams are worthy -- don't cave to peer pressure around you in an effort to feel worthy and accepted in the rarified atmosphere you live in.

The great thing about financial stress is that it forces you to be crafty and entrepreneurial. Why don't you forget about what you feel skilled at doing, and volunteer at a place that would be a dream job and build some skills in a new direction? Or perhaps get a life coach to help you think things through and develop an action plan?

PS Your home is lovely.


Thank you Maryam. That is good advice.

I love your blog. It is interesting, beautiful photos and my inspiration for blogging!


Thank you namaste. I can't wait for you to see my office.

Sara Sterling

Have you thought seriously about becoming a writer? You are very good!


So when do I get most of the items in your closet??


Perfection. This is exactly what writers do when faced with a blockage! Thank god for Peets. So enjoying your blog and had to start at the beginning


Ummm, Did you stop reading your comments cause I never got a response from you....

Coach Handbags

Great articles and it's so helpful. I want to add your blog into my rrs reader but i can't find the rrs address. Would you please send your address to my email? Thanks a lot!


oh my gosh, girl, you are too funny. You ARE a writer. Plus, I love your office.

Romance Novels

Hey, don't count yourself out until you try. You can always start with a short story too. Lots of romance authors have day jobs.

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