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March 01, 2010


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belle on heels

i don't know how i'm just discovering your blog, but really....just completely effing fabulous. best of luck with operation rowena replacement.


You are a very talented writer, I love to read your posts!


beloved blogger

Could have been worse - Beloved could have "whipped out" the legal pad and wanted to talk about a revised budget ex-Rowena.


You are soooooo funny!! You seem like someone who could keep a really juicy secret!

Dallas Decorum

Crying laughing so hard

NY girlfriend

again...i LOVE Beloved. will make up t-shirts saying so for his birthday. or send a Brazilian housekeeper slash cook slash supermodel.

Carrie C

I just found your blog and am obsessed. So funny. I will now spend the next 24 hours reading every post and wondering why I didn't accomplish anything.


Forget the romance novel and just put this stuff in a book! Of course, I would help out if I was in The City...


hi there, your blog is just super fun.
I am from Croatia in Europe, and really can not relate completaly to your life style, we do live quite differently, but nevertheless enjoy very much your posts.
I think you should really write a book, but based on your blog thoughts not a romance novel. just an idea!

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