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September 18, 2010


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I miss you soooo bad!!!!


So glad you are back in action and back home!


Hey I'm with ya - what's Florida in the summer without G&T's! I admire your resourcefulness sister. Hang in there.


I fled to San Francisco to stay with my brother. Selling my house nearly killed me. Not sure I'm over it yet. Flew back to work on marriage in August...so no, I don't have a problem with you being gone for three months...sometimes a girl just has got to get away.


Yay, I have missed you so much!! Back just in time for another....

New Giveaway from the French Basketeer and you will love it!

Art by Karena


What a about all the wonders your trip to LA did for ya? Don't you have any thing to say about OUR time together? I had to listen to all that talk about the damn house staging! I WAS the one that needed the cold compresses. :)


Knowing the characters that you refer to in "Pink Elephants", I find this one even more hysterical! I can just picture your sisters husband glaring down at you - you gotta love him!

belle on heels

so glad you are back!

Maryam in Marrakech

So very sorry about your husband's company. Hope things are on the upswing. Thinking of you in Marrakech.

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