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November 26, 2010


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Here's an idea, move to Kansas City ( much lower cost of living ), closer to Europe, and I'll be your gay boyfriend.


Perfect!  All my problems solved in one fell sweep.
Thank you!!


I just read that Columbus, Ohio has lots and lots of gays, also low cost of living. Not sure if they are thin.....


Well...as long as they arent averse to turbans.

Kelly Hoffman

Oooohh.... Stop it!!


Well, I know you can find a gay boyfriend!!

Alan I am already HERE in Kansas City

Remember to enter my $200 Giveaway from Fifi Flowers!

Art by Karena

Dovecote Decor

I literally cannot believe Karena is in front of me on comments--again, while we are out of context!! She is one scary all over the place commenter. I found you through a college friend and thought I was entering new territory. Anyway, a faux beaux is always necessary, and they do not have to be gay--just a friend. I am subscribing, you are a laugh riot, and yes, screaming at kids is normal, with reservations.

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