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December 14, 2010


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You had me in tears (laughing,that is).....so very sadly true....

liz a.

sigh! now that was funny! having raised seven (7) children, i know whereof you speak! but they do grow up and become normal, delightful, normal, fun, normal, decent grown humans, whew! i love every one of them to pieces, and most days they love us back, who can ask for more! xo


At least it was only peeled carrots she threw and not the just steamed, homemade, black bean and cheese tamale with salsa fresca I serve my son for a snack :)Come on over girls!


Oh my god this is all just too too familiar!!

Art by Karena


I think it's nice that Jermaine's mother threw a compliment in though while she was reprimanding him. She could have said, " Jermaine, get you FAT butt over here"....but she didn't. No one has referred to my butt as "skinny" in such a long time. This is perhaps not the point you are trying to make but it nevertheless is something I'd like us all to note...Jermaine's mother's thoughtfulness. Not that fact that my but isn't skinny any longer.

Rose Olson

Gosh I miss reading your regular posts! My darling husband is knocking everything on the floor this morning because he is mad that the house is a mess, like that is now going to make it cleaner??!! Of course it is those pesky children who make the messes in the first place (Who said girls were neater than boys I ask you?). Reading your story has lightened my day, until I go downstairs to face making their lunches, and raised my hopes that I am not the only one who has resorted to violence to get through to a teen brain.

Beloved Blogger

Glad you are back and in my opinion better than ever!

Everyday life observations are much funnier than San Francisco "High Society"!


Very funny post! My teenaged daughters are very well behaved, but I can empathize with how difficult it is for some.


Wow, youngest looks EXACTLY like your beloved (and the other two). Happy Christmas!

Dovecote Decor

My daughter heard a great remonstrance at a 711 in NOLA: "I have two words for you--Be-Have." The child obeyed, so maybe it really is two words.

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