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January 07, 2011


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Kim, I think you would be a great stage mom!
(I'm considering becoming one myself since I just quit my job w/ that INSANE UES family) Did you read the article in NYmag about the Fanning girls?


OMG, I almost spit my soda out reading this!!!! You are hysterical and I already love you!!!! I will be following your blog, that's for sure!!! I came over at Dolores's suggestion!!!! XO, Pinky

Kelly Hoffman

That's a relief. I was afraid beloved's friendly demeanor on the phone might call for an actual conversation with the man. We can't have THAT kind of nonsense going on!


Kim I only wish you would write more often....even though I know it takes almost ALL of your time working on the Romance Novel ( I am sure I am in it)

You really make my day!!

Art by Karena


I think it is a great idea, teach them to take care of you at an early age. Maybe you could also take in some renters, namely me. I would be willing to pay you in return for living it your lovely home! xo, MB

NY girlfriend

stockings, wreaths...by the by, it is january, did you send Christmas cards yet? perhaps you can use the boy head shots.


love your post. now we know what to get you next xmas, some very practical leopard flat walking shoes for those family bonding moments. xx


So glad to see another post Kim. You are too funny! I hope you don't mind, but I posted your post on my Facebook. Can't wait for the romance novel!

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