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February 08, 2011


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Heather Elder

Hysterical. Kind of like when I thought I was being cute with youngest and asked him if he knew where I had been the night before. He quickly replied "My house." When I asked him how he knew, he said, "I saw the wine glasses." Hmmmmm. Not sure how wine glasses = me, but he wasn't wrong!

Beloved Blogger

In the words of Billy Joel.

"Honesty is such a lonely word"


Now Honestly,

you must...Come and enter my amazing Giveaway from Splenderosa! You will love it!

Art by Karena

liz morten

Here is my lecture on honesty to my girls: "In the dressing room, if the dress looks horrible, tell the TRUTH. When the travesty is on the body, fully paid for, it is gorgeous." Honesty and truth are different things. In the end, after all, the mathematics of truth default to our roles as supporters and validators, therefore the honesty factor enters the negative side of the equation, right?


I'll drink to that!
Honestly, I think Liz has a great answer and when I'm sober I'm sure I will understand it.

Alison Duffy

Can I please have those black glasses???? Love them!!! Thanks for stopping by not too long ago. I have admired your blog for a long time now. xx Ali

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