I am not sure I approve of Bjorn Bags being worn by fathers. I know I have startlingly old-fashioned ideas when it comes to men, and I’m convinced it’s my own father’s fault. He was (“is” actually, for some reason I always speak of him in the past tense -- I’m sure my next 15 years of therapy will get to the bottom of that) a cigarette-smoking, hard-drinking, never-heard-of-a-child’s-sporting-event-he-felt-compelled-to-attend father. We all adored him. I can assure you if they had Bjorn Bags in his day he would have thought they were just great…for somebody else.
To be fair, it is not Bjorn Bags per se (Beloved himself was not above wearing one) that bug me. It is more the type of father the Bjorn-Bag-wearing-man is likely to grow up to be. If he is not careful, he will find himself one idle Halloween night in an adult Spider Man costume, or talking about sustainable produce or even using the word “artisanal*.”
Whenever I hear an overly solicitous father calling their child “sweetie” (yuk) or “nice-job”-ing it, or “it doesn’t matter if you win or lose…” I feel a twinge of appreciation for Beloved’s brusque fatherly manner. Yes, yes I know I forced him to seek outside-couseling because, amongst other things, he never lets any of his boys win…no matter what they are playing. They reached a point where they refused to play tennis with him because the victory dance he did after beating them was too embarrassing. Youngest once asked me what “IN YOUR FACE!” meant and why did daddy say it every time he beat him at checkers. After remarking what a good little basketball player I thought Middle was when he made a spectacular three-pointer Beloved said bluntly, “he’s not that good it’s just the rest of the team is so bad.”
Yet, they all adore him. I suspect more than they do me! I suspect that because they tell me that at least once a week. Why? I make so much effort…then I get mad because no one is appreciating how much effort I am making. They all look at me like I’m crazy and no one is quite sure why I’m so mad (including me). Then the four of them go downstairs, eat bad food and watch football. No one tells them to pick up their socks or not throw popcorn all over the floor and if they do finally do something that bugs Beloved he just says, “knock it off” and forgets about it. I can assure you I never “forget" about anything. Including the fact that I was the sucker that wore the Bjorn-Bag!
*not to be confused with other words I hate such as:
- Sensual
- Tush
- Make Love
- Climax (seems there’s a trend here)
- Classy
- Nourishing
- Connected (as in “I feel so connected with you right now”)
- Probiotic
- Incidentally
- Heretofore (never actually heard anyone say this, but would pitch a fit if I did)
- Hunnerd (instead of hundred…you’d be surprised!)