I think these pictures describe my winter break in Florida better than I ever could.
I know San Francisco is known for it's organic, locally grown, Alice Waters-inspired cuisine, but if there is anything better than blue cheese dressing on iceberg lettuce I am not yet aware of it.
If one prefers eating at home there is always my favorite market. They are known for their customer service and go the extra mile by wrapping all produce in plastic wrap! Very hygenic.
We love visiting Beloved's home town of Winter Park. The beautiful brick streets are canopied by Live Oak and Camphor Trees heavy with Spanish Moss.
We also visited my hometown...
Our little community is quite industrious.
I felt a teensy bit guilty taking this photo.
So I had Middle do it (goodness, how dramatic that boy is!)
Yes, Florida has a somewhat mixed reputation, but I love it. There is something for everyone!
The boys were thrilled with the sight seeing.
Well, that was our trip. I really have nothing more to add.
Just kidding...of course I do. More later.