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March 02, 2011


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LOVE the photos! Look forward to more!


Your "more later", always takes too long.


Oh, good I want to see more!!, this year!! Ha!

Do come and enter my Artful Offering!

Art by Karena

belle on heels

that picture of the boys is hysterical.


I was lucky enough to be a part of her trip and despite the fact that she and I are lacking in the east coast blue blood roots department, I felt that the two of us held our own whilst hob-nobbing with the Jupiter Island Club crowd. (Might have helped that we were the guest of one of them; where would we be without her and her passions for all things fun and fried?) I do think though that our esteemed blogger on our big night out, shouldn't have changed into her golden flats. High heels does not make one a "tart" most especially when donned by our esteemed blogger who is a member of the highest ranks of local style mavens.

Dovecote Decor

Depending on the elevation of those gold heels, a black sweater might have been in the offing. Better to err on the side of caution at JIC. Gold Jack Rogers always cut it. My daughter used to have the valet carry her water balloons to the pool for her. It was a ludicrous scene that I wouldn't have believed if I hadn't watched her, in horror, gesture grandly towards her destination and thank him very much. I am dying to see Winter Park. One of these days.....


The boys crack me up. Keep it comin.


That photo of two men in orange (prisoners working?) reminds me on my high school located beside the national superhighway and across a prisoner precinct where we witness few intense chasing between prisoners escaping and guards with dogs..

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