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May 12, 2011


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I believe I told Barb that I would SUPERVISE the power washing of her house. I always feel better when I operate in a supervisory capacity....although I am often incapable of supervising myself. I am currently looking, on Craig's list, for someone to supervise me while I finish mailing my Holiday cards. Better late than never.

NY girlfriend

when ARE you coming to ny to decorate my apt?? pleeeease. pls. pls.

P.S. who suggested you fill out insurance forms? challenge


I am very good at supervising projects...much easier than starting my own!

Art by Karena


My husband DETESTS the school portal. You are not alone ...


To check the online portal at my girls' high school you have to know your own username AND remember the password.

Eclectic Etcetera

The online portal hates me. I wish I could shame it with insults so that it would whip itself into shape. But it's as confusing as ever. And here with the end of school upon us... And here I thought that was just a Tennessee thing!

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